Spring break crept up on us this year. Usually we plan one of our two annual family vacations during spring break while the kids are out of school. I didn't even start thinking about it until two weeks ago or so. I can't take all of the blame though...my wife also knew this time off was coming. Due to the uncertain economy and my wife's employer being unwilling to commit to letting her have off for specific days, we made no plans.
Last year this time we went on a big week-long trip to Disney World and visited my family who live in the Orlando area. That was quite an excursion and I have the pictures to prove it. Maybe a later blog entry...

Anyway, Monday the 16th was the first "official" day of no school for the kids. My wife, always the one to keep the kids as busy as possible, made them each a "to do" list so they didn't get too bored too quickly. By 12:30 there was only one thing left on both of their lists..."walk the dog." So the three of us took the dog down to a nearby park. I brought along the camera and grabbed a few pictures. Totally wrong time of day to be trying to take good pictures due to the strong mid-day sun, but who cares..it's spring break!
Labels: kids
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