Senior Pictures, part 1

It's that time of year....actually if a senior is just starting NOW to think about senior pictures, they're running a little late.
I don't market myself as specializing in senior photography, but if they like my work and want that style I'm happy to do it. Last August I was approached by two families interested in hiring me to do senior shots for the daughters, both seniors at McKinney High School.
For the cap & gown shots, I figured I'd just rent the cap & gown, but that proved easier said then done. Wanting to get the school colors correct, I approached the school and I approached the company handling the class rings, yearbooks etc. who I was told rented out school accessories for photo shoots. What I was told is that they only work with "certain photographers." In other words, if you wanted a cap and gown shot you had to have it done by whatever photographer they had some kind of arrangement with. Not cool in my book, so I bought my own. I found a company on line that had the color combination I needed so I bought from them. I'm not sure I got the right information about how to rent caps and gowns since I don't normally rent them. But simply buying one for $40.00 seemed like the best way to I can use it again.
Here we have Haleigh in a few slightly formal poses in the cap & gown. She also had just gotten her class ring which I tried to highlight.

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