Senior Pictures, part 8

Ok, just one more post about the senior shoot...
A few more of Kayla's outdoor shots. As I said earlier, she's modeled for me before so these came easily and she's very comfortable in front of the camera.

I suppose the senior market is a field of photography where I could market myself more, but it seems like people have certain expectations of how these kind of pictures should look. As I look around at other photographers web sites, most of them look the same. I can't tell one photographer from another. But this is what pays, so I can either jump on the boat or go somewhere else on a life raft.
Money vs. artistic freedom...I faced similar choices back in my musician days and we always chose to be artists rather than join the bandwagon. It didn't make us money, though, and I sure would like to get my hands on a 5D Mark II.
Labels: seniors